State schools will be forced to give vocational routes as much weight as academic options when giving careers advice to their pupils.
Ministers are plotting legislation that will attempt to overcome “outdated snobbery” against technical education and apprenticeships, according to the Independent on Sunday this morning.
What form this legislation will take is unclear, although the TES has previously revealed that the Department for Education is planning a White Paper for later this year.
FE and Sixth Form Colleges have complained for sometime that their options are often not promoted by secondary teachers, especially since the mushrooming of the number of school sixth forms.
The government is committed to the creation of 3m apprenticeships by the end of this parliament. Only last week providers warned that this was proving challenging.
Education secretary Nicky Morgan told the Independent on Sunday: “For many young people going to university will be the right choice, and we are committed to continuing to expand access to higher education, but for other young people the technical education provided by apprenticeships will suit them better.
“That’s why I’m determined to tackle the minority of schools that perpetuate an outdated snobbery towards apprenticeships by requiring those schools to give young people the chance to hear about the fantastic opportunities that apprenticeships and technical education offer.”
The legislation would mean state schools, including academies, will be required by law to collaborate with colleges, university technical colleges and other training providers to ensure that young people are aware of all options – including degree-level apprenticeships.
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