Rhythms of Love
Why Women Want to Talk About it and Men Don’t Want to Do it
Based on original research into 3000 couples, this is a book about personal growth and development within relationships and an explanation of sexual strategies and the dynamics of relationships within the framework of contemporary psychological thought. All couples progress through different stages in this relationship, the balance of power fluctuating constantly – and so creating conflict of one sort or another. By understanding the influences on a relationship, by “returning your wavelengths”, redefining your needs and communicating them, greater intimacy can be achieved.
Handbook of Clinical QEEG and Neurotherapy
Chapter 12: Rhythms of Dyslexia: EEG, ERP and Neurofeedback
This book is an essential resource describing a wide range of approaches and technologies in the areas of quantitative EEG (QEEG) and neurotherapy including neurofeedback and neuromodulation approaches.
It emphasizes practical, clinically useful methods, reported by experienced clinicians who have developed and used these approaches first hand. These chapters describe how the authors approach and use their particular combinations of technology, and how clients are evaluated and treated. This resource, which is encyclopedic in scope, provides a valuable and broad, yet sufficiently detailed account, to help clinicians guide the future directions in client assessment and neurotherapeutic treatment. Each contribution includes literature citations, practical information related to clinical interventions, and clinical outcome information.