We learned a couple of weeks ago that Steven Spielberg would finally move ahead with a couple of projects with two 2016 release dates already penciled in. As we wait to see what the future holds for the iconic director, let’s hear the director take a look back at his own life.
Movies.com unearthed a video from 2012 where Spielberg sat down with Friends Of Quinn, an online community for young adults with learning differences, to talk about his history with dyslexia – he wasn’t diagnosed until 2007 – and how it’s affected both his career and personal life. Though the director was plagued by an undiagnosed learning disability growing up, he found solace in a group of fellow misfits that he says served as inspiration for “The Goonies.”
“I never felt like a victim. Movies really helped me… kind of saved me from shame, from guilt. Making movies was my great escape,” Spielberg said. “When I felt like an outsider, movies made me feel inside my own skill set.”
While there’s no in-depth look at his career or new morsel on his older films, the interview is worthwhile if only to listen the director reveal more about himself than he’s ever done in his actual work.