The recent creation of a new “bottom heavy” font by Alberto Gonzalez and Dr. Harold Levinson’s prior use of enlarged, dark, thick, colored and glare-free typeset have made it easier for dyslexics to process letter and word signals. Just as important, the enhanced signal efficacy of specially designed fonts and typesets have helped further validate Dr. Levinson’s signal-scrambling theory and treatment of dyslexia. It also more clearly explains why and how dyslexics rapidly and often dramatically improve when their reading and related input and output signals are medically stabilized with simple and safe inner-ear and signal-enhancing medications and nutrients.
Well over 40 million Americans suffer from dyslexia and its 100+ reading and nonreading symptoms. Despite the recognition of reversal prone dyslexics in 1896, a clear scienti?c understanding of this disorder de?ed all investigative efforts until Dr. Levinson’s 4+ decades of research began in the late 1960’s. Initially supported by cerebellar neurophysiologist and Nobel Laureate Sir John Eccles and outstanding others, Dr. Levinson’s pioneering dyslexia concepts and inner-ear/cerebellar research have now been independently validated in world-wide studies.
For over a century, there existed the mistaken convictions that dyslexia: 1-was just a severe reading disorder, and 2- that it results when impaired processors within the thinking brain (cerebral cortex) cannot recognize the clear reading and related signals received. However, Dr. Levinson’s challenging research demonstrated the exact opposite to be true. Dyslexia has many reading and non-reading symptoms and it occurs when normal reading and related brain processors fail to recognize or compensate for the distorted, reversed and scrambled signals received and transmitted. This signal-scrambling impairment was shown by Dr. Levinson due to a ?ne-tuning dysfunction within the inner-ear and its supercomputer–the cerebellum, man’s lower brain and the highest brain of most animals.
A groundbreaking medical treatment offers rapid and often dramatic help to suffering dyslexic/ADHD children and adults.One “minor” tuning problem of inner-ear origin was shown to emit multiple scrambled signals to many normal brain processors. As a result, it’s possible to have 100+ diverse and even severe dyslexics symptoms and still be very bright and gifted. Clearly, the inner ear does not impair basic IQ. However, self-esteem is often decimated by constant frustration and repeated failures. Fortunately this “minor” signal impairment can be readily compensated for and now favorably treated in the vast majority of dyslexics. Thus the prognosis for dyslexics is very favorable– especially if treatment is initiated early before secondary emotional scarring results. Most important, the medications tend to normalize the signal defect after 2-4 yrs. Thereafter, medications and special fonts are often no longer needed for improvements to continue.
Amazingly, medical treatment alone with simple and safe inner-ear and signal enhancing medications can rapidly and often dramatically improve 75-85% of dyslexics, regardless of age. 100% of dyslexics improve when holistically co-treated with effective non-medical inner-ear-related methods which include tutoring, sensory-motor integration, visual and auditory integration and processing, tinted lenses, yoga, nutrition, etc. as well as the above described fonts.
Utilizing both newly designed and traditional diagnostic methods within his medical and research center, Dr Levinson is capable of determining the dyslexic cause in almost 100% of examined patients. Even better, preschoolers can be effectively screened and pretreated– thus preventing the typical dyslexic symptoms from appearing later on.
Readers of Dyslexia Online will be amazingly enlightened upon listening to the 100+ symptoms, 20+ “disorders” and 100+ rapid and often dramatic improvements characterizing Dr. Levinson’s many dyslexic patients. Included are dyslexic quadruplets, highly gifted adults, and those who have other severe complicating disorders. They’ve all volunteered their content, emotions, names and photos on this newly redesigned website so as to help others as they were helped. This vital information will enable dyslexics to feel as smart as they really are and to attain dreams and ambitions that otherwise might never be theirs.
Formerly Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at NYU Medical Center, Harold N. Levinson, M.D. is now Medical Director of The Levinson Medical Center for Learning Disabilities in Great Neck, New York. Considered a world-renowned psychiatrist and neurologist, he is credited with bringing about a dramatic medical breakthrough in the understanding, diagnosis and successful treatment of dyslexia and its many related signal-scrambling disturbances of the inner ear and its supercomputer, the cerebellum. The original insights and content within his many books and research papers dealing with the origins, treatment and interrelationships of dyslexia, learning disabilities, attention deficit, impulse/hyperactivity and anxiety or phobic disorders have appeared in scientific and educational journals. For additional information, visit Dyslexia Online.